Eggs Got A Little Healthier

We’re a bunch of egg eaters in my household. Being vegetarian, eggs have proved to be a good source of protein (6 grams in one), among other things.

A recent studied showed the egg has gotten a little more nutritious over the years, though, it’s still encouraged to be just a “once in a while” food choice.

Here’s the big finding (found online here): Eggs nowadays have 14% less cholesterol and 64% more vitamin D.

The deal is, one egg still has more than half of the daily recommended amount of cholesterol (which is 300 mg of cholesterol per day). Since I only know one person who eats just one egg – and he’s 14 months old – you will likely surpass the cholesterol intake for the day at breakfast.

The take away lesson here: Eat these little protein-packed babies in moderation.

About kareiner

I'm an active mom who loves to cook. I'm passionate about health and fitness. I'm no expert, nutritionist, personal trainer or miracle worker. I just like being active and I like good food.
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